This evening, the 41st edition of Iberflora and the 7th edition of Eurobrico closed their doors after doing their homework at the end of three days in which a total of 672 exhibition firms representing the world of gardening and DIY have participated in an occupied surface covering more than 51,000 square meters. The trade fairs have been the leading figures of a change in trend, with more activity and, above all, with renewed working spirit, as this year’s participants have demonstrated and as the chairs of both trade fairs have outlined.

Vicente Peris Alcayde, the Iberflora Chair, was the first to state that the last edition proved to be a point of inflection and that, at last in 2012, it has reemerged as a stronger trade fair. “Moreover this year -he explains- many firm orders have been made, which is something that has not happened within our fair framework for some time, and we have noticed excitement among buyers and our exhibitors from the very start”.

Luis Franco, the Eurobrico Chair, has coincided with the above and, in direct relation to the International DIY Fair, he stressed the tremendous surprise of all those attending. “Our advertising campaign this year included a surprised face because our intention was to surprise; that is precisely what we have done”. According to Franco, “people have seen that we have worked on a new project which they have quickly connected to. The entire sector has been here; and Bricor’s presentation at Eurobrico has shown hope for the possibilities in this segment, even with those whose presence is not as strong, like corner shops”.

Exhibitors have also wished to give their opinion, like Lara Magraner, the Director of Vivercid, an exhibiting firm at Iberflora. For Lara, “we have noticed a considerable change if compared to last year’s edition, like more new customers attending with a professional profile who are very keen on working. This is likely due to the economic crisis maturing in that those of us who have been able to face what the economy offers can at last now feel sure about what we can or cannot do”.

During the days that Iberflora lasted, MMV has also participated along with its Director, Manuel Muñoz, who is “most satisfied with this 41st edition”. According to Muñoz, “first there were more exhibitors and second there were more visitors who told us loud and clearly how satisfied they were with this edition”. “Customers are really keen to see things become activated, and there was a general climate of optimism and excitement among all those participating”, he assures us. As regards holding Eurobrico in parallel, he admits that this new initiative “creates an atmosphere” and that both trade fairs have known how to combine perfectly.

In DIY and ironmongery terms, Darío Alonso, General Director of Aghasa Turis, was concise and direct: “this edition has been just great”. “Evidently –he mentioned- despite the size of the trade fair being determined by the minimums context of today’s circumstances, suppliers and visitors found more than they expected”. Alonso pointed out that it is objectively difficult for the fair to reflect that the sector is getting better as there is no macro- or micro-indicator to confirm that. Yet he stated that the overall feeling has been certainly most positive. “There is a sure change in trend”, he concluded.

On behalf of Eurobrico, the General Director of Consumer de Husqvarna in Spain and Portugal, Carlos del Piñal, was also seen to be most satisfied with the results obtained during the fair. “I have come with the full company team to Eurobrico and the feedback from them all has been most positive”. “The crème de la crème of distribution with firms like Leroy Merlin, Bauhaus, Bricor, etc., have been at the fair”, he explained. He also stressed the value of participating in the trade fair. According to him, “new technologies are not incompatible with touching the product and speaking to people. So it is important to come to events like this”.


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